Moms without time

A podcast about motherhood

It's all too much and not enough at the same time

Come listen in and be part of our conversation where we discuss the hard stuff, (the fun stuff) and the not-so-talked-about stuff. Motherhood is a tremendously rewarding and beautiful journey, and we want to share it with you.

This is a podcast for the perfectionist moms, the go-with-the-flow moms, the stay at home mom, the work from home mom, and all the moms who share the two things we have in common: we love our kids, and there’s never enough time.

Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst


Co-host Monica Hernandez

I’m a first-time mom of little miss Millie. It may sound cliche but one of my ​passions is being a mother and wife. My husband, Victor, and I, live in Dallas, both ​working full-time all while taking care of our daughter.

I’m a coffee enthusiast, kind of a dork when it comes to caffeine. You will find me ​with a wooden toy on one hand and an iced latte in the other. I am constantly ​doubting myself but my motto is “Fake it till we make it!” I want every mother to ​know, you’re not alone. You are doing great, we are killing it! We may not know how ​we are making it through each and every day, but we are doing it and that is what ​matters.


Co-host Melissa Wendt

Hi here! I’m wifey to Jonathan and mommy to Maiya and Juliette. My husband and ​better half is the associate pastor for our church (and most important the BEST ​dad), Maiya is the sweetest, most loving ball of energy and Juliette is our amazing, ​sassy, musical baby.

I’m a follower of Christ, a Family Nurse Practitioner, and my dream for this podcast ​is to have fun with my sister while sharing the motherhood load. I have lots of fears, ​guilts, successes and praises as a momma and every day my kids teach me more ​about myself. Hope you get to know me!

We discuss all things breastfeeding. We talked about what we learned during our breastfeeding journey.

We share the good, the hard, and the amazing things about motherhood.

This episode we discuss what we wish we ​knew about baby sleep and some of the ​things that worked and didn’t work for ​us.

Episode 6

Birth Experience

We are so glad you joined us for this ​episode as we share our unique and ​special birth experiences.

Episode 7


This topic is so unknown to most first ​time moms so we want to start the ​initial discussions of our own ​experiences and what we learned.





Hello, welcome to Moms Without Time Podcast, a show where two moms share their own experiences, thoughts, ideas, and tips on all things being a mom. In this episode, we introduce ourselves: your co-hosts, Melissa and Monica.

Let’s dive into our beginning series, “What we wish we knew”. We discussed our initial thoughts and feelings as we became first-time moms. We share glimpses of our birth stories and laugh about some of the moments that we just “wish we knew”.

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Episode 1


Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst

Welcome back to the Moms Without Time Podcast! In this episode, we discuss all things breastfeeding. We quickly realized how hard and how much work it was to feed our babies, so we talked about what we learned during our breastfeeding journey.

Every mom wants the best for their baby, so whether it’s breastfeeding, pumping, supplementing, or providing formula, we want you to know that we have been there! Though this episode is mostly regarding our own breastfeeding journey, we hope you find solidarity in hearing about some of our struggles and our own personal wins.

Click on your preferred platform to start listening now.

Episode2 ​Breastfeeding

Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst

Disclaimer: We wanted to add that if you are having prolonged pain while nursing, make sure to contact an IBCLC to assure your baby has a correct latch. You can have pain but it shouldn’t continue long.**


Leche League

Tips and support for exclusive pumpers! Certified Lactation Counselor

CC, Texas IBCLC & Consulting

IBCLC-led online courses + virtual consults

Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst

Episode 2


Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst

Episode 2


Episode 3

The Good, The Hard, The Amazing

Welcome back! Co-hosts Melissa and Monica return on this episode to share the good, the hard, and the amazing things about motherhood. It can be so easy to see all the hard when you’re in the thick of it. Parenting is not easy and every day there are many challenges. Reminiscing on the period of time when our girls were just newborns really gives us a new perspective. Looking back at the different experiences in this short time, helps us to grow, learn, and look forward to what’s to come. We discuss things like our kid's personalities, the changes in our marriages, things that made our time easier and so much more.

Click on your preferred platform to start listening now.

Hello guys, welcome back to a new episode! This is the BIG topic that so many moms want answers for. In this episode, we discuss what we wish we knew about baby sleep and some things that worked and didn’t work for us. We certainly don’t have all the answers but what we hope to accomplish with this discussion is for moms to know how normal it is to struggle with baby sleep.

You are not alone momma! Join in the conversation!

Click on your preferred platform to start listening now.

Episode 4: Sleep


Baby Sleep Products: Click down below to view and shop


            Don't forget to check out our Instagram page @momswithouttime for more real-time information, tips, and updates!

Episode 4: Sleep

Episode 5: Play

For this fun episode, Monica and Melissa discuss one of the best parts about being a mom! Naturally, our mom brains always want to complicate things, but when it comes to playing all we wish we knew was how stress-free it can be when we sit back, enjoy and observe. We discuss how play serves as a way to deepen our relationship with our kids, nurtures their personalities, and develops their amazing little brains. Join us in our light and casual conversation on how rewarding it has been to play with our kids!

Click on your preferred platform to start listening now.

Episode 5: Play


Ages and Stages Free Questionnaire Here:

CDC's Developmental Milestones Here:

Get the CDC's Milestone Tracker App Here:

